Saturday, April 19, 2008

Fist student

I had my first student yesterday. It went great! I went to the house and met with the parents then they let me have the whole hour just chilin with the kid. His name is David and he is seven yers old and very smart. He understands a lot of English words. I spoke to him the entire time in English. He has problems forming sentences and expressing himself in English ya. But we practiced a lot of things. I had him show me all of the rooms of the house, which is what he has been practicing in school. We went to each room and he pointed out things that he knew. When I gave him a new word I had him sound it out, then write it on my notepad. A few times I had him make up a sentence, ec. "The Lamp is on the table." We also practiced parts of the body. We just took turns yelling out different parts of the body. I will think of a better game I promise. All in all I think the parents were pleased with the first day. I know that David had fun to. I started a log where I write down what we do each day, words we learned, and what I see he needs to practice for the upcoming week. I plan to do this with each child, for that reason I brought a pack of folders with me from the United States. sweet. I know.

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