Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Bonding with the Fam

Hola Orta Vez!

I have been adjusting here to life in Espana. Yesterday a bunch of the group was going to Madrid to walk around the city. It sounded fun to go, but I decided that it wasn't something that I wanted, at least not know – to walk around with American kids to do and talk about Amerian things. (This is a social sacrifice I knew I was going to be willing to take) and so I decided to stay home instead. And it was a great choice! As it turned out, Keri and I talked and chatted and laughed with Encarne and Angel all night. It was so fun and the best thing for my spanish and experience that could have happened. It all started when I asked Encarne to help me with my espanol. We started from there, and soon we where drawing pitures on paper and asking questions and practicing phrases. When Angel came home, they showed us all of the music athat they have and we listened to a lot of that. They were especially proud of the Flamengo tunes. - really good, lol.
O we also found out that, they have TWO sons, not just Eduardo – an older one who got married in June. She showed us picures of the Boda (wedding). They were married in a catholic church and everyone looked very beautiful. In spain, they couple does not choose any specific colors for their wedding, everyone gets to wear what ever color they want. Most of the couples dressed to match each other, but beyond that everyone was wearing completely different colors! One bright green, another violet, and other aqua blue. Quite different from the U.S, I guess it would make weddings a lot easier. I think I have a tiny crush on their son eduardo- muy guapo. Encarne looked very pretty in all of the pictures, she thought so too. Other traditions that I thought were different: well the groom puts on the dress of the bride at the end of the reception...that was kinda strange. At the dinner there is a main table with the bride and groom in the middle and both parents on the sides. They cut and feed eachother the cake with a sword. (espada).
For dinner we had fried ham and cheese – almost like chicken corn on blue, with a tomate y queso ensalda. It was very good, I have never had a solo tomato salad anywhere else before but I am a big fan. O and then of course, they hit you the best for last – Arroz con leche – muy muy muy bien. Again, this mother is the best cook in the world, Keri and I were so blessed, we tell her that a lot. She heated the leache with naranje peels (orange) to capture the flavor. Amazingness in my mouth.
We also watched a little bit of tv before we went to bed. My favorite show here so far is a game show called, pasapalabra. Its fun because they read a definition really fast and the person has to guess what word it is. If they don't know, they call – pasapalabra- and it goes to the next person. When the subtitles are on its really good for reviewing vocabulary. They watch TV a lot here. Its interesting, something new to me. Its also weird because they are in love with all of these shows that are American! And are just dubbed over. I guess its all they have ever had so they don't know the difference, but for some reason I'm so bugged by it. Don't they know its not the real thing! Homer dosen't REALLY sound like that, ah so deprived. ' )

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