Sunday, January 20, 2008

Las Tapas

Tonight was Tapas Night! Encarne and Angel were really excited to share this Spanish tradition with us. The meal is a combination of several different plates. You use your hands to eat a little bit of this and a little bit of that (but don't worry, it all adds up to a lot of everything). It was definetly a night of new things. The prepared bread with mayonnaise topped with shredded fish and baby shrimp (which was my favorite). Oysters topped with mayonnaise or lemon. Carminaa..ok I still don't know the name but werid long leggy things, and the best for last - Octapus! with real tenatcles and suction cups and - yea, it was the real thing. I loved all of it, I think I have eaten some of the best seafood there is in Spain. Me encanta this country! (the Octapus was a fav - you just couldn't think about it or look at the suction cups too long)

1 comment:

Adam Murphy said...

Octopus is soooo good! I had it a lot in Mexico this last time I went it is the best! Did you like oysters? They weren't my favorite bt if I drenched them in lemon and lime and swallowed them real quick they weren't bad. You be good in the discotecas k!