Saturday, February 16, 2008

La Feista Commenced!

Ok, So we were able to carry out the fiesta! Do you remember me asking my madre about it? At first I told her about twenty or fifteen people would come. Well, word ended up spreading to the whole group, and as it turned out no one had any other plans, so Susie and Keri's Valentines party became the thing to do on everyones planner. Yea, o no.

Once you included everyone from our group (plus the random Japonese roommates that people also invited who then also invited their Japones friends) we had over forty people come to the house. Encarne had people playing parchezi in the salon, I started a game of charades in the living room, and Keri and Laura held down the Kitchen area where people congregated around the snake table. (everyone was encouraged to bing a treat to share, Encarne also made bizchoco de mansana and served two boxes of juice and one box of milk)

Both Encarne and Angel seemed to be having a good time, at least I think so. I had expected them to kind of stay back out in the other areas of the house, but they stayed there in the middle of it al the whole time. Well, Angel mostly watched from the side, but Encarne was talking and serving and teaching all over teh place. I'm pretty sure she got on everyone who let an English word slip as well. If I ever said anything in English thta night, she would come over and hiss at me while poking me with her finger :espanol, espanol!: (she tries to encourage me and the others to speak Spanish ALL the time. She was shocked and disappointed when she found out we talked English amongst each other.

Honestly, I had a blast hosting the party. It was fun to have the other students over to show them my house and my padres. Everyone loved them! Just cus they were so cool and in the middle of things. But, I really wish I knew what Encarne and Angel thought though. They didn't say anthing about it once people left, although I tried to bring it up. "So, what did you guys think about the party?" "I think it went well, what about you all?"

Today though, Keri and I were leaving to go to Sara's house who is in are group to watch a movie.
Angel was like, :why dont you watch a movie here sometimes, we have those big speakers.:
"Yea, we can have another fiesta!" -Yo
"O, no more fiestas! Maybe six or eight others and then you two. There were forty people! you said, 20, maybe 15, mas o menos." - Encarne
"Exactly, MAS o menos. Just a grande Mas." - Yo, innocent awkward giggle - he he

They both laughed and Encarne, shook her head to the side, "Eres mala."

That has become my second name in this house. = )

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